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A member registered Oct 10, 2021

Recent community posts

It is unclear how and when crystals are made, and what do they affect and how

Really fun game, but could use a lot more content. Currently you can unlock everything in under 2 hours. It could use things like a prestige system and more features and unlocks. it's a strong foundation, but can and should be taken to the "next level"

Any walkthrough(s)?
What day is currently when you should have all events completed?

Also, I noticed there are quite a few scenes that not in the replay. This is a bit annoying, as I don't always have a save right before a sexy scene I would like to watch again

ClickCraft community · Created a new topic several issues

a- No autosave (well, maybe it saves, but it defiantly not load, so it's the same as no autosave)
b- No hints for the crafting system. This means that the average player has no idea what to craft and how.

Just started, seems like a really nice idea, but I can already say one issue that exist is that's unclear what does Karma and Reincarnate do... You might want to fix it to make it understandable: When can you Reincarnate? Why and when should you? and so on...

This is an interesting idea, but it's not really a game... 

please add a mute option. I want to try this game, but I can't  unless I can mute it.

Sure, I can have a workaround, but the fix should be ingame. Should take like 10 minutes to implement a simple button that changes a flag, and have your sound pipeline check that flag.

Really cute, but you seriously must add a mute button.